Four Poetry Books to Add to Your Collection

I thought that over the year I had found a lot of the poetry published for children.  When the Nerdy Award Nominations were released I discovered a few that I hadn't read.  

Here they are...

National Geographic Book of Animal Poetry: 200 Poems with Photographs that Squeak, Soar, and Roar by J. Patrick Lewis (compilation) -One of the things that I love about National Geographic is the incredible photos.  And this compilation is no exception.  Gorgeous photos of wildlife paired with some outstanding poetry.  If you can only give one book of poetry to a teacher, I would suggest this one.  The end notes and resources and poetry tips definitely move this to the top.

In the Sea by David Elliott and Holly Meade -This book of poetry that celebrates sea life would pair beautifully with Water Sings Blue (also on the Nerdy list) and compliment Song of the Water Boatman and Other Pond Poems.  Both the illustrations and poems will win new fans.

Edgar Allan Poe's Pie: Math Puzzlers in Classic Poems by J. Patrick Lewis and Michael Slack - I am still amazed that there is a poetry book that blends poems/puzzlers and math.  Definitely can't wait to share this one with my teacher friends. 

Poem Runs: Baseball Poems by Douglas Florian- I am quickly becoming a fan of Florian.  I loved UnBEElievables: Honeybee Poems and Paintings which also made the Nerdy list this year.  This fun and creative book of poetry celebrates baseball.  Another must add to the list of poetry books for the classroom.

So what poetry books on the Nerdy list did you love the best?