Ivy & Bean Day Blog-a-Bration Week 5

And the count down to the 1st Annual International Ivy & Bean Day continues.  This week Chronicle Books is giving away a copy of Ivy & Bean Book 5: Bound to be Bad to one lucky winner and a set of mini-note cards to 3 other winners. Click here to check out the Ivy & Bean official page.

As I was thinking about this week's post to celebrate Ivy & Bean, I thought about what a play date would be like with the two friends.  I put the question out to my friends asking them what they would do on a play date with Ivy & Bean or what would happen if a character from another book encountered our two friends.  Here is what I discovered:

@mrschureads -
"Wouldn't it be fun if Babymouse showed up in an Ivy and Bean book and if Ivy and Bean showed up in a Babymouse book? Babymouse would pull the girls into one of her famous daydream sequences. They would most likely eat cupcakes, dance, read books, snoop on Nancy, and share MANY good laughs."

@katsok -
"I'd love to see Ivy and Bean have a playdate with Sara Pennypacker's Clementine. At first I thought Bean and Clementine could get into some crazy trouble (what fun!) but the more I dreamed about it the more I thought, who knows? Ivy might dream up a crazy adventure for them all. One thing is for sure, I'd love to read about it." :)

@colbysharp -
"I would love to see Ivy + Bean have a play date with Dwight from The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. I think they would start by digging some holes and sitting in them. Bean would be game, but I'm not thinking Ivy would be a fan. After the hole digging, I think they would hang out together folding origami."

@mentortexts -
"I couldn't imagine just having Ivy and Bean over for a literary playdate - I would have to throw a party for them! Here is my literary guest list: Ramona (of the series by Beverly Cleary), Just Grace (from Charise Mericle Harper's series), Marty Maguire (who digs worms thanks to Kate Messner), and the ever adorable duo, Bink and Gollie (brought to us by Kate DiCamillo and Allison McGhee).

The theme of this uber-awesome literary bash would be: Upcycle Your Life! We would listen to fun music and turn pop can tabs into bracelets and Starburst wrappers into purses and duct tape into wallets and bright socks into kites. Then we would sell all these items at an outdoor market and donate all the money we make to libraries or science or pancakes. And it would be awesome. It would be the event of the year! What a wonderfully fun idea! Now I just wish I could actually throw this party and invite some of my favorite book girls!"

"I'd definitely like to play with Bean. You see, I'm kinda shy and quiet. And Bean always thinks of such fun things to do. But like Ivy, I am really full of mischief and ready to try new things out.

I'd have loved Bean to come over to  my house when I was a kid. I remember one time we tried making a pond in our back yard by digging a HUGE hole in the dirt orchard. We dug and dug and dug, and then started filling it with water. Well, as you can imagine, the water just turned it into one giant mud pit. We stomped around and around in this pond. Bean would have had a great time with us, and I'm sure she would have had even more ideas of what to do with our giant mud pond."

Thanks everyone for your wonderful suggestions for play dates with Ivy & Bean.  

Other Bloggers celebrating Ivy & Bean Blog-a-Bration:

                     Media Darlings                                  
                     There's A Book                                  
                    In the Pages                                      
                      The O.W.L.                                         
                  Coquette Maman                            
                   Ruth Ayres Writes                           
                 One Page to the Next                    
                 Van Meter Library Voice               
               The Family That Reads Together
                Roundtable Reviews for Kids      
                                                               The Children's Book Review    

This week's giveaway will run from September 13th to September 15th.  Don't forget to enter the giveaway by filling in the form at the bottom of the page.

The Winners of this week's giveaways will be entered into the Grand Prize Giveaway.  Thanks Chronicle Books for this great prize pack:

A complete set of Ivy and Bean hardcover books signed by Annie Barrows 

1 set of Ivy and Bean Paper Dolls 

1 Ivy and Bean Button Factory 

1 Ivy and Bean READ Poster signed by Annie Barrows 

Set of Ivy and Bean Silly Bandz · Set of Ivy and Bean stickers 

AND – a super-secret really cool prize we’re working on (stay tuned!)