Author Event - Pseudonymous Bosch & The Story Pirates

On April 2, 2013, Pseudonymous Bosch's newest book - WRITE THIS BOOK - was released.  To celebrate, Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena organized the event which was hosted at McKinley School.  This was definitely not your typical author event.  The Story Pirates performed an improvisational skit around the book.  For more information about the Story Pirates, check out their website.

The whole performance was done as an improv skit with suggestions from children who were in attendance.  I have seen various other improvisational performances before but I truly give kudos to the Story Pirates.  Incorporating the ideas of the young audience into the skit was not easy, but the performers were amazing.

Isn't this "plot map" fabulous?!  I want one. Part of the skit incorporated a lesson in various elements of storytelling.  The car moved around as those elements were mentioned.

Here is a short clip of the Story Pirates as they perform WRITE THIS BOOK...

Here one of the performers is encouraging the audience to provide suggestions for the next part of the skit.

As characters were added to the skit (thanks to the suggestions from the audience), clothing changes were made.

And made again...

And, well, again...

Here the Story Pirates turn their skit about WRITE THIS BOOK into a musical...

At one point in the improv, the topic of genre came up.  Below is a picture of a "genre wheel".  I so want one of these.  Brilliant way of creating one.

A student from McKinley came up and had a chance to "spin the wheel".  The genre selected was then incorporated into the skit.

At the end, the Real Pseudonymous Bosch arrived and set everyone straight. 

Here is Pseudonymous Bosch signing books.

Jax (she helped me write the review of WRITE THIS BOOK) & her friend Ella had a chance to take a picture with Pseudonymous Bosch.  Of course, pictures were taken in Bosch's trademark style. :-)

This was one of the best author events that I have ever attend.  Thank you to Pseudonymous Bosch, the Story Pirates, Little Brown Books for Young Readers, Vromans Bookstore, and McKinley School for creating such a memorable event.

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Book Review - Write This Book

Author: Pseudonymous Bosch
Illustrator: Gilbert Ford
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (April 2, 2013)
Source: Copy for Review
Audience:  Ages 9 and up
More about the author: website | twitter | facebook

Description from GoodReads:
I feared this may happen. I knew reading was a dangerous business, but now it's not safe for writers either! You see, the author of this book is missing. Well, maybe not "missing." A certain author whom I won't name (okay, me) has abandoned his book and has left his readers hanging out to dry. This is a crime, I admit, but there it is. Most of this book, well, I just haven't written it. And I'm not going to, either.
Why? Oh, I have my reasons. Big. Grown up. Author. Reasons. Unfortunately, I can't reveal them yet. Let's just say a life is at stake (mine) and leave it at that. So will you do it? Pretty please? You'll do it? Thank you! But please hurry! Time is of the essence and you can't wait any longer. You must WRITE THIS BOOK!
This imaginative companion to the New York Times bestselling Secret Series teases, prompts, and leads readers through the steps of writing a story. Bosch's signature rip-roaring voice delivers an engaging narrative (for the reader to help complete!) and interactive puzzles and games. Readers get the chance to create their own story while enjoying a satisfying mystery as well.

My interview with Jax's (age 12) regarding Write This Book:

Why did you like the book?
The book had some comedy thrown into it because Pseudonymous Bosch is just funny.  It is similar in style to The Secret Series.  I, also, liked it because it seemed like it was written just for me.  It was just plain awesome. 

What did you learn from it?
I liked that Bosch gave us blanks to fill in, as an example of what to write.  I learned little tips on what authors use sometimes when writing from the "how-to's". 

Why would you recommend it?
I would recommend it because it is well written and will appeal to a wide age range (from kids to adults).  I would also recommend it because the comedy is great.

Who would you recommend it to?
I would recommend it to almost anyone over the age of 9 or 10.  It seems great for anyone to read.  I would also recommend it to anyone who likes mystery books, mad libs, and funny books.

What should I have asked you about the book? 
You should have asked me what my favorite scene is, but my answer would have to be all of them. 

Thanks Jax for that awesome endorsement of Write This Book. 

My thoughts on this book:
Not that you really need my endorsement after reading Jax's thoughts, but I guess I need to chime in here.

Fans of The Secret Series will feel right at home with Bosch's trademark style and humor which starts right from the beginning.  He encourages readers to create their own titles and even come up with their own "nom de plume".  Bosch does not take anything for granted.  He recognizes that his young audience has many questions about writing and may not know even some of the first steps; however, he is never condescending to his audience.  Instead, I could not help but think about the amazing vocabulary that is used as part of word play (particularly in the notes on various pages).  It is not as if students would need to sit with a dictionary, but Bosch has a respect for the intelligence of his audience and their ability to grasp words and concepts.

Write This Book is an interactive text.  Readers are encouraged to write thoughts down, play with ideas, and try different exercises.  This would be a great book to use in summer writing groups or as part of a writing club at a school.    

For those of you in the Pasadena area, check out the this event at Vroman's Bookstore on Tuesday, April 2, 2013 where Pseudonymous Bosch and Story Pirates present Write This Book: A Do-It Yourself Mystery at McKinley School.