Middle Grade Author Event of Epic Wonderful-ness!!!

A few months ago, Bridge to Books (Alethea and I are co-founders of this grassroots movement) was approached by Simon & Schuster with the opportunity to do an event with none other than Margaret Peterson Haddix (Missing Series) and Lisa McMann (The Unwanteds).

Seriously, how do you say "no" to this opportunity?  Better yet, why would you want to say "no"? I quickly responded "yes".  I figured all the details would work themselves out.  And they did.

We found a location - Thank you McKinley School in Pasadena for hosting the event in your beautiful library.  
Shannon Messenger shares a moment with Lisa McMann
Helen Stringer speaking to the crowd
In speaking with Kelly from Simon & Schuster, our two person panel grew to a foursome when we included debut author, Shannon Messenger (The Keeper of the Lost Cities) and Helen Stringer (Spellbinder). 

We had some great questions from the audience.

And our author panelists managed to show great enthusiams in responding to questions despite it being 106 degrees and the library had no air conditioning.  Definitely an amazing team of authors.

There was signing of books, and posters, and more books.  I am certain at one point Margaret Peterson Haddix thought we were never going to let her leave.  With 30 books to her credit, there were piles of books to sign.

Isn't this a lovely Middle Grade Author Panel? 

One of the highlights of the event for me was when Margaret read a letter from Jackie, my 11 year old niece who was out of town.  In her letter, Jackie credits Margaret's Shadow Children series as kick-starting her love of reading.   

Thank you Simon & Schuster and thank you Margaret Peterson Haddix, Lisa McMann, Shannon Messenger, and Helen Stringer for epic wonderful-ness and for delighting an audience of children, parents, teaches, and librarians on one of the hottest days of the year.

Some final thank you's to Kris and Maureen at Once Upon a Time in Montrose for all the book sales; Katie Ferguson for the wonderful photos of the event; and finally, thanks to all the Bridge to Books volunteers who set up, cleaned up, sold bottles of water and made people feel welcomed.