Children's Book Week Giveaway Hop - Sign-Ups are Open

Children’s Book Week Giveaway Hop
May 13th – 19th
Hosted by KidLitFrenzy, Mymcbooks

What is Children’s Book Week?
Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest-running literacy initiative in the country. Each year, books for young people and the joy of reading are feted for a full week with author and illustrator appearances, storytelling, parties, and other book-related events at schools, libraries, bookstores, museums, and homes from coast to coast!

For more information please visit:

Celebrate & Promote Children’s Book Week by taking part in The Children’s Book Week Giveaway Hop.

Giveaway Hop Rules:

* Each participating blog will host a giveaway on their site.
* The giveaway must be for a children’s book (picture, juvenile fiction, middle grade, young adult).
* No more than 6 possible entries per person. 1 mandatory & up to 5 optional.
* Offering a Gift Card or book of choice from The Book Depository is fine.
* Any family friendly blog or site is welcome to join.
* Your post must include the Children’s Book Week image, the linky or a link to one of the host’s sites & must be live by 9:00 AM on May 13th.

Please review all I am a Reader, Not a Writer's hop rules here:

To sign up to host a giveaway simply add you blog to the linky with your shipping info in parenthesis following your blog name.