Hot Off the Press! - 8/19/12

Hot Off the Press is fairly regular feature focusing on picture books that are recent releases.  I usually base the post on my weekly visits to Vroman's Bookstore or Mrs. Nelson's Bookstore in LaVerne.  The following titles can be found at either bookstore (variability of titles may vary from week to week).

Here are some of the recent picture book releases out in the wild....

Insomniacs by Karina Wolf; Illustrated by Brothers Hilts - I definitely love the illustrations in this book.  They remind me of a Tim Burton movie.  The transition the family makes to being nocturnal is fun. 

Here is the official book trailer for Insomniacs:

Oh No, Little Dragon by Jim Averbeck - Little Dragon's spark was snuffed out by some water play in the bathtub.  So what is a young dragon to do?  After Little Dragon thinks of things he could possibly do, he seeks out his mother and learns that a mother's kiss just might fix everything. 

Mr. Zinger's Hat by Cary Fagan; Illustrated by Dusan Petricic - I love books that can be used on multiple levels.  This one works well both as a read aloud for younger children but as a way of discussing storytelling and learning about telling a story with older students.  The illustrations work well with the text.  Overall, I really liked this one and it would be a great addition to a classroom library.