Top Ten Picture Books for the First Half of 2012

I was inspired by Hannah of My 100 Adventures Blog to come up with my current top 10 picture books for 2012.  We have just moved beyond the half-way mark in the year and here are my favorite picture books so far.

Squid and Octopus Friends for Always by Tao Nyeu (Penguin)

No Bears by Meg McKinlay; Illustrated by Leila Rudge (Candlewick)

Green by Laura Vaccaro Seeger (Roaring Brook Press)

Chloe and the Lion by Mac Barnett; Illustrated by Adam Rex (Hyperion)

Scribbles & Ink by Ethan Long (Blue Apple Books)

Little Bird by Germano Zullo; Illustrated by Albertine (Enchanted Lion Books)

The Cloud Spinner by Michael Catchpool; Illustrated by Alison Jay (Random House)

Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett; Illustrated by Jon Klassen (Balzer & Bray)

And Then It's Spring by Julie Fogliano; Illustrated by Erin Stead (Roaring Brook Press)

When Blue Met Egg by Lindsay Ward (Penguin)

So what is in your top 10 picture books for the first half of 2012?