Winter Wishlist Week 2

My wonderful buddies - Alethea, Kimberly, & Thuy - over at Read Now, Sleep Later  are hosting a seasonal meme that is perfect for this time a year and for all you book lovers out there.  And I hope they will forgive me for nearly missing a post for this week.  

Week 1: Write about Books or Bookish Things that you would love to get.
Week 2: Write about Books or Bookish Things that you would love to give.
Week 3: Write about a charity/nonprofit/community group that works with books and/or literacy.
Winter Wishlist - Week 2
Books and Bookish Things I'd Love to Give
Rebound Designs creates Book Purses and other book accessories around book themes.  I know some Jane Austen fans that would love this Pride and Prejudice Book Purse.
For my book loving friends in locations that rain a lot, I am thinking that a bookish umbrella might be appreciated.  Books Stacked to the Sky Umbrella allows readers to show their support of books without ruining any books.

And for friends who might be a little less visible about sharing their passion for books, a wallet can be a subtle way to share their support of books.  This comes from The Gifty website which also sells the umbrella from above.  Check out this great Stacked Books Flat Wallet.

Finally, wouldn't it be so neat to create a tree made from books as a Christmas present?  The Mary Sue website had 12 different versions of trees designed from books.  Many of my book geek friends have towering TBR piles with stacks of books in their homes.  A little elf could come in and put those books to good use until it is time to read them.
So what are you giving your book loving friends this year?