Author Event: Lisa Schroeder signs at Vroman's

Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity of attending Lisa Schroeder's book signing at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena.  Lisa took time out of her family vacation to come and talk with fans about her latest middle grade book IT'S RAINING CUPCAKES (see my review here )

Lisa kicked off the signing by sharing with fans the story of her road to publication and the lessons she learned along the way.  It was fun to hear how the ideas for I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME and FAR FROM YOU came to her.  (If you haven't read either of these novels in verse, go out and get them - now.)

We also got to listen to Lisa read from IT'S RAINING CUPCAKES.  

In celebration of Schroeder's book, Polkatots Cupcake owner Alma Tarriba donated cupcakes for the event.  If you live in or around the Pasadena area, I would certainly recommend trying them out.  I'm still debating between the lemon or the raspberry chocolate mini cupcakes. Yummy!!!!

While people lined up to have Lisa sign their books, I got a chance to hang out and chat with Khyrinthia (Frenetic Reader Blog) and Shannon Whitney Messenger (Blogger, and volunteer tour guide/driver for Lisa).  I realized afterwards I didn't get a picture of the 3 of us.  Oh, well maybe next time?!

But I did get a picture with Lisa (thanks Shannon for being the photographer).

Of course, I couldn't go to the signing and not pick up a little something for one lucky reader.  Lisa mentioned during her signing that readers loved Ava from I HEART YOU, YOU HAUNT ME and were asking for a sequel.  Lisa indicated that her book CHASING BROOKLYN is her gift to her readers.  Though it isn't a sequel but more of a companion novel, there is a little Ava in it.  For a chance to win a signed copy of CHASING BROOKLYN, check out my review on Tuesday, July 5th over at Young Adult Literature Review Blog.

Until next time....
