Smart Chicks Tour - Vroman's

On Monday, September 20th, I had fun attending the highly anticipated Smart Chicks Kick It Tour in Pasadena at Vroman's Bookstore.  At the event, there were 9 YA authors -  Melissa Marr (Wicked Lovely Series), Kelley Armstrong (Darkest Powers Series), Melissa De La Cruz (Blue Bloods series), Rachel Caine (Morganville Vampire Series), Alyson Noel (The Immortals Series), Rachel Vincent (Soul Screamers Series), Mary Pearson (a personal favorite - The Adoration of Jenna Fox), and the ever wonderful Kami Garcia & Margie Stohl (a top favorite - Beautiful Creatures).

Not only were there great authors, but in the audience there were some wonderful local friends and twitter friends.

Khyrinthia & Me

Anne (acsimps)
I am Erin, Little Lauren, CGYvette
The crowd enthusiastically welcomed the authors.  And Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong played off of each other beautifully.

Melissa Marr & Kelley Armstrong
After a period of questions and answers, and some swag giveaways, the writers had some games for the crowd.  My favorite was "Marry, Shag (for the under 16 that means kissing) & Throw off a Cliff".  There were some interesting choices.  Wonder if I can combine books and pick different characters?

For the book signing, everyone moved upstairs.  Since I was in the first group, I had time to chat and visit with friends.  I don't have pictures of everyone, but I did get to see Katie Alender (Bad Girls Don't Die) and she introduced me to Cynthia Hand (Unearthly 2011 release) as they waited to get their books signed.  Vania (reveriebr) was taking pictures along with Khyrinthia's dad. 
I have been to a number of author events but I do have to admit.  This was really one of the best ones.  Thanks Smart Chicks for setting up this amazing tour and for bringing it to Pasadena.