Crossroads Blog Tour Day 3: Interview with Kitty Keswick & Linda Joy Singleton

We kick off Day 3 of the Crossroads Blog Tour with interviews from Kitty Keswick and Linda Joy Singleton.  Don't forget to check out The Crossroads Blog Tour Main Page for clues to answer questions and win a prize. 
What is your most embarrassing/funny/scary Halloween experience or costume? 

I’ve been dressing up as a witch for the last few years. Mainly, because I found a really cool witch hat. I’m still waiting for the hat to work its magic and grant me an unforgettable Halloween.

What was the most surprising thing that you discovered about one of your characters that you didn’t see coming? 

Hum, without giving away too much…Book two, Furry & Freaked, really changed a lot of things for me. Not only did my storytelling improve but, Kasey grew up a lot because of what had happened to her in book one. I had to make some changes to the “people” that surrounded Kasey. It really had to happen to create the hero Kasey needed to have in her life.

When authors create a world for a series there are rules they need to stick with for consistency, are there things you would change in your book world that you didn’t foresee being an issue initially? 

Maybe the blogging. I don’t use it much in book two. It fit book one.

List your top 3 fictional crushes and why do they make the list? 

Eric, from the Sookie Stackhouse series, ‘cause he’s tall, blond and a vampire Viking! Plus there’s a good guy under all that power. Dean Winchester, from Supernatural, I love his humor and his car and that he is always there for his little brother, Sam. Jamie Frasier, from the Outlander series, he’s Scottish and a protector and loves Claire beyond anything of this realm.

Newest/Upcoming Release: Freaksville, Furry & Freaked (2011)


Twitter: @kittykeswick

When authors create a world for a series there are rules they need to stick with for consistency, are there things you would change in your book world that you didn’t foresee being an issue initially?

Wigs. My Goth Girl Thorn is getting her own book in March titled BURIED. When she was first introduced, I put in a line about her being allergic to hair dye to explain why she wore wigs. I wanted her to take off a wig and show her blond hair, which couldn’t happen with dyed hair. So I gave her that allergy. And now that she has a book of her own, she’s stuck wearing wigs. Poor Thorn.

Who was the most difficult character (from one of your books) for you to write and why?

When I first started writing the spin-off with Thorn, her edgy attitude was harder to write than Sabine who starred in the first 6 SEER books. I had to rewrite that first chapter over and over, until I started to learn Thorn’s voice. And I’m really proud how it turned out.

If you could spend the afternoon with your favorite author, who would it be and what would you do? 

Probably J.K. Rowling. Love her books. Of course, if she’s busy (ha!) I’d love to hang out with Ingrid Law who wrote the Savvy books. When I met her at a writer conference, I thought this was someone who would make a really fun girlfriend. Also I admire Suzanne Collins, author of Hunger Games, and would love to talk with her.

Was there a book as a child that you read which inspired you to be a writer and what book was it? Or What were your favorite books to read as a child? 

When I was young, my favorite author was Margaret Sutton who wrote the Judy Bolton mystery series from 1932-1967. I loved searching for her books in second hand stores. I got to meet her in person at my high school graduation party. That was cool – but not what I’d expected since she was over her books by then and not writing much anymore. So I really didn’t know how to talk to her, and let my mom do a lot of the talking. I continued to correspond with her and eventually co-wrote a Judy Bolton book with her which fans love to read.

Newest/Upcoming Release: The Seer Series, Magician’s Muse, Buried (2012)


Twitter: @LindaJoySinglet

The Crossroads Tour: Day 6 Kitty Keswick

Each day of The Crossroads Tour, a new question will be revealed on The Crossroad Blog Tour main page and each day the answer to that question will be found within one of the 16 different blog posts by Crossroads Tour authors. Your job is to get the question, read the blog posts, and collect all 16 answers by the end of the tour, on Halloween. Go HERE to get today's question and links.

Today's guest for the Crossroads Tour is author Kitty Keswick. Her novel  Freaksville, came out in earlier in 2010.  She writes about a gifted teen girl and a shape-shifting hottie.

Did you have a book that you read either in Middle School or High School that scared you the most? What was it and what about it scared you? 

It wasn’t a book per say, but a movie Exorcist, I still can’t watch the darn thing without having my fingers in front of my eyes. I’d take on werewolves or vamps any day but a preteen spewing pea soup gives me the heebie jeebies.

Did you have a paranormal experience that prompted you in writing the story that you did? 

My family sorta draws ghosts around them. I’ve seen a few in my day, had things move in front of me, seen shadows passing through walls. My least favorite thing is having my name called out when I know nobody is there with me. I’ve had that happen a few times. So it was natural to use ghosts and Kasey’s (my heroine in FREAKSVILLE) ability to see them. I just toss in a hairy twist.

Where did you get the idea for your story? Did you use a real life situation and put a twist on it? 

Yes and no. while I don’t write about real people every author draws on their experiences to create believable worlds. I wrote FREAKSVILLE like I talk and Kasey is me in many ways and many ways she’s not. Every character is the author a small snippet of their souls.

Did you have a favorite paranormal/horror story writer as a child/teen that you wanted to emulate? If so, who and why? 

As a Kid: it was Steven King. Now: I like Kelley Armstrong, Charlaine Harris, but they’re not horror, more paranormal.

What kind of research did you do for your story and did you run into anything weird while you were doing research? 

I research a lot fire, England, the 1940’s. I even traveled to Scotland. It wasn’t weird but cool to see the castle where my heroine’s namesake derives. You’ll learn more about the clan wars as the series progresses.

What helps you to create characters that people will feel passionate about either in liking them or disliking them? 

Keeping them real, giving them faults and quirks. Like Kasey’s list making. Even their words they chose. It makes them more human.

If you could have a supernatural power or gift what would it be? 

I’d like the ability to travel instantly and walk through walls. It would save a fortune on travel expenses.

Thanks Kitty for stopping by and answering some questions.

For more information about Kitty Keswick and her novel, check out her website: or at

You can find Kitty on twitter: @kittykeswick

You can check out the book trailer for Freaksville below.